Instruction Manual
Instruzioni per l’uso
Mode d’emploi
Manual de instrucciones
Руководство по эксплуатации
ت عليما الت ل ي ل د Misuratore della composizione corporea
Moniteur de composition corporelle
Monitor de Composición Corporal
Монитор состава тела
Body Composition Monitor
م الجس ت ا كون م راقبة م ز ا جه IM-HBF-214-EBW-01-08/2012
All for Healthcare
Начало работы
ل شغي الت بدء 2
Setup measurement units [cm, kg] → [inch, lb] → [inch, st-lb]
(to reset after initial set up: take the batteries out and re-insert)
[cm, kg]
Impostare le unità di misura [cm, kg] → [inch, lb] → [inch, st-lb]
(per modificare il parametro dopo l’impostazione iniziale, estrarre e
reinserire le batterie)
Maßeinheiten einrichten [cm, kg] → [inch, lb] → [inch, st-lb]
(zum Zurückstellen nach der ersten Einrichtung: Batterien herausnehmen
und wieder einlegen)
Configuration des unités de mesure [cm, kg] → [inch, lb] → [inch, st-lb]
(pour réinitialiser après la configuration initiale : enlevez les piles et
[inch, lb]
Meeteenheden instellen [cm, kg] → [inch, lb] → [inch, st-lb]
(opnieuw instellen na eerste instelling: neem de batterijen uit en plaats
deze terug)
Ajuste de las unidades de medición [cm, kg] → [pulgadas, lb] →
[pulgadas, st-lb]
[inch, st-lb]
(para volver a ajustarlas tras el ajuste inicial: saque las pilas y vuelva a
Настройка единиц измерения [см, кг] → [дюймы, фунты] →
[дюймы, стоуны-фунты]
(сброс после начальной настройки: извлеките элементы питания и
затем вставьте их на место)
]inch, st-lb[ ← ]inch, lb[ ← ]cm, kg[
قياس ال ت ا وحد د ا د ع إ )
ى أخر ة مر ها ل إدخا د ع أ م ث بطاريات ال ع نز ا :ت ا د ا د ع ﻹ ا بط ض ة اد ع ﻹ ( 3
Setting personal data (P- = Guest mode: data will not be stored / P1 - P4 = Personal profile number).
Impostazione dei dati personali (P- = Modalità Ospite: i dati non vengono memorizzati / P1 - P4 = Numeri dei profili personali).
Persönliche Daten einstellen (P- = Gast-Modus: Daten werden nicht gespeichert / P1 - P4 = persönliche Profilnummer).
Définition des données personnelles (P- = mode Invité : les données ne sont pas stockées / P1 - P4 = numéro de profil personnel).
Persoonlijke gegevens instellen (P- = gastmodus: gegevens worden niet opgeslagen / P1 - P4 = persoonlijk profielnummer).
Introducción de datos personales (P- = Modo invitado; no se guardarán los datos / P1 - P4 = Número de perfil personal).
Установка личных данных (P- = гостевой режим: данные не будут храниться в памяти прибора / P1 - P4 = номер личного профиля).
ي شخص ال ف عري الت ف مل قم ر = P4 - P1 / بيانات ال ن خزي ت تم ي لن :Guest ف ي الض ع ض و = P-( شخصية ال بيانات ال بط ض 1.
ة عمري ال ئة الف 6.
> 3 SEC. / > 3 SEC. / > 3 SEK. / > 3 S /
> 3 SEC. / > 3 SEG. / > 3 СЕК. /
ان ثو 3 > 4
Body analysis (Always take your measurements barefoot)
Analisi corporea (eseguire sempre la misurazione a piedi nudi)
Körperanalyse (Messungen stets barfuß vornehmen)
Analyse corporelle (effectuez systématiquement vos mesures pieds nus)
Lichaamsanalyse (metingen altijd met blote voeten uitvoeren)
Análisis corporal (siempre debe realizar sus mediciones descalzo)
Анализ тела (всегда выполняйте измерения босым)
ن قدمي ال ي حاف وأنت ات س قيا ال أخذ لى ع ئما ا د ص حر ا ( سم ج ال ل حلي ت ON
Switch off (press > 3 sec.) / Auto Off ≥ 3 min.
Spegnimento (premere > 3 sec.) / Spegnim. automatico ≥ 3 min.
Ausschalten (> 3 Sek. drücken) / ≥ 3 Min. automatisches Ausschalten
Mise hors tension (appuyez > 3 s) / Arrêt auto ≥ 3 min
Uitschakelen (> 3 sec. indrukken) / automatische uitschakeling ≥ 3 min.
Apagado (pulse > 3 seg.) / Apagado automático ≥ 3 min.
Выключение (нажимайте > 3 сек.) / автовыключение ≥ 3 минуты.
يقة ق د 3 ≥ ي لقائ ت ف إيقا / )ان ثو 3 > لى ع غط اض ( ل شغي الت ف إيقا > 3 SEC./ > 3 SEC./ > 3 SEK. / > 3 S /
> 3 SEC. / > 3 SEG. / > 3 СЕК. /
ان ثو 3 > 5
Viewing the last measurement results. Note: When using the guest mode, measurement results are not stored.
Visualizzazione dei risultati dell’ultima misurazione. Nota: in modalità Ospite, i risultati delle misurazioni non vengono memorizzati.
Die letzten Messergebnisse anzeigen. Hinweis: Im Gast-Modus werden keine Messergebnisse gespeichert.
Visualisation des derniers résultats de mesure. Remarque : Lorsque le mode Invité est utilisé, les résultats de mesure ne sont pas stockés.
De laatste meetresultaten bekijken. Opmerking: in de gastmodus worden meetresultaten niet opgeslagen.
Visualización de la última medición. Nota: cuando se utiliza el modo invitado, no se guardan los resultados de las mediciones.
Просмотр результатов последнего измерения. Примечание: При использовании гостевого режима результаты измерений не сохраняются.
قياس ال ج ائ ت ن ن خزي ت تم ي ﻻ ،)ف ي ض ( Guest ع ض و ال ام خد است ند ع :ﻻحظة م .ة ﻷخير ا قياس ال ج ائ ت ن رض ع ON
Switch off (press > 3 sec.) / Auto Off ≥ 3 min.
Spegnimento (premere > 3 sec.) / Spegnim. automatico ≥ 3 min.
Ausschalten (> 3 Sek. drücken) / ≥ 3 Min. automatisches Ausschalten
Mise hors tension (appuyez > 3 s) / Arrêt auto ≥ 3 min
Uitschakelen (> 3 sec. indrukken) / automatische uitschakeling ≥ 3 min.
Apagado (pulse > 3 seg.) / Apagado automático ≥ 3 min.
Выключение (нажимайте > 3 сек.) / автовыключение ≥ 3 минуты.
> 3 SEC./ > 3 SEC./ > 3 SEK. / > 3 S /
> 3 SEC. / > 3 SEG. / > 3 СЕК. /
ان ثو 3 > .
يقة ق د 3 ≥ ي لقائ ت ف إيقا / )ان ثو 3 >
ى ل ع غط اض ( ل شغي الت ف إيقا 6
Interpretation of your measurement results / Analisi dei risultati della misurazione / Interpretation Ihrer Messergebnisse /
Interprétation des résultats de vos mesures / Interpretatie van meetresultaten / Interpretación de los resultados de sus mediciones /
Интерпретация результатов измерений /
ك ب صة ا الخ ت ا س ا ي ق ال ج ئ تا ن ح شر Body Fat / Grasso corporeo / Körperfett / Graisse corporelle / Lichaamsvet / Grasa corporal / Содержание жира /
الجسم ي ف ن و ه الد نسبة AGE
very high
molto alto
sehr hoch
très haut
zeer hoog
muy alto
ة عمري ال ئة الف низкое
ض منخف нормальное
ي ع ي طب высокое
ع رتفا ا очень высокое
ا جد ة ي ال ع 10
18 - 39
40 - 59
60 - 80
< 16.1%
< 16.3%
< 16.4%
< 16.4%
< 16.3%
< 16.1%
< 15.8%
< 15.4%
< 21.0%
< 23.0%
< 24.0%
< 12.8%
< 12.6%
< 12.3%
< 11.6%
< 11.1%
< 10.8%
< 10.4%
< 10.1%
< 8.0%
< 11.0%
< 13.0%
16.1 - 32.2%
16.3 - 33.1%
16.4 - 33.5%
16.4 - 33.8%
16.3 - 34.0%
16.1 - 34.2%
15.8 - 34.5%
15.4 - 34.7%
21.0 - 32.9%
23.0 - 33.9%
24.0 - 35.9%
12.8 - 27.9%
12.6 - 28.5%
12.3 - 28.2%
11.6 - 27.5%
11.1 - 26.4%
10.8 - 25.4%
10.4 - 24.7%
10.1 - 24.2%
8.0 - 19.9%
32.3 - 35.2%
33.2 - 36.0%
33.6 - 36.3%
33.9 - 36.5%
34.1 - 36.7%
34.3 - 36.9%
34.6 - 37.1%
34.8 - 37.3%
33.0 - 38.9%
34.0 - 39.9%
36.0 - 41.9%
28.0 - 31.8%
28.6 - 32.6%
28.3 - 32.4%
27.6 - 31.3%
26.5 - 30.0%
25.5 - 28.7%
24.8 - 27.7%
24.3 - 26.8%
20.0 - 24.9%
22.0 - 27.9%
25.0 - 29.9%
≧ 35.3%
≧ 36.1%
≧ 36.4%
≧ 36.6%
≧ 36.8%
≧ 37.0%
≧ 37.2%
≧ 37.4%
≧ 39.0%
≧ 40.0%
≧ 42.0%
≧ 31.9%
≧ 32.7%
≧ 32.5%
≧ 31.4%
≧ 30.1%
≧ 28.8%
≧ 27.8%
≧ 26.9%
≧ 25.0%
≧ 28.0%
≧ 30.0%
18 - 39
40 - 59
60 - 80
11.0 - 21.9%
13.0 - 24.9%
HD McCarthy et al, in the International Journal of Obesity, Vol. 30, 2006, and by Gallagher et al., American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 72, Sept. 2000, and classified into four levels by Omron Healthcare.
Skeletal muscle / Massa muscolare scheletrica / Skelettmuskeln / Muscle squelettique / Skeletspiermassa / Músculo esquelético /
Скелетная мускулатура /
ية ل الهيك العضﻻت AGE
very high
molto alto
sehr hoch
très haut
zeer hoog
muy alto
ة عمري ال ئة الف низкая
ض منخف нормальная
ي ع ي طب высокая
ع رتفا ا очень высокая
ا جد ة ي ال ع 18 - 39
40 - 59
60 - 80
18 - 39
40 - 59
60 - 80
< 24.3%
< 24.1%
< 23.9%
< 33.3%
< 33.1%
< 32.9%
24.3 - 30.3%
24.1 - 30.1%
23.9 - 29.9%
33.3 - 39.3%
33.1 - 39.1%
32.9 - 38.9%
30.4 - 35.3%
30.2 - 35.1%
30.0 - 34.9%
39.4 - 44.0%
39.2 - 43.8%
39.0 - 43.6%
≧ 35.4%
≧ 35.2%
≧ 35.0%
≧ 44.1%
≧ 43.9%
≧ 43.7%
According to OMRON HEALTHCARE figures
BMI (Body Mass Index / Indice di massa corporea / Körpermassenindex / Indice de masse corporelle / Body Mass Index / Índice de masa
corporal / Индекс массы тела /
الجسم ة تل ك ؤشر م Classifications (by the WHO) / Classificazioni (dell’OMS) / Classifications (par l’OMC) / Classificaties (door de WHO) /
Clasificaciones (según la OMS) / Классификации (по данным ВОЗ) / )
ية م ل ا الع الصحة ة م نظ م ل قب من ( ت فا صني ت ال Underweight / Sottopeso / Untergewicht / Poids insuffisant / Ondergewicht / Peso inferior al normal / Недостаточная
масса тела /
قص نا ن وز < 18.5
18.5 - 24.9 Normal / Normale / Normal / Normal / Normaal gewicht / Normal / Нормально /
ي طبيع 0
25 - 29.9 Overweight / Sovrappeso / Übergewicht / Excédent de poids / Overgewicht / Sobrepeso / Тучность /
ئد ا ز ن وز +
Obese / Obeso / Adipös / Obésité / Obesitas / Obesidad / Ожирение /
نة ا بد ≧ 30
Changing personal data
Modifica dei dati personali
Persönliche Daten ändern
Modification des données personnelles
Persoonlijke gegevens wijzigen
Modificación de los datos personales
Изменение личных данных
ة شخصي ال بيانات ال غيير ت See also Page 4
Vedere anche a pagina 4
Siehe auch Seite 4
Voir également en page 4
Zie ook pagina 4
Consulte también la página 4
См. также стр. 4
حة ف ص ال ا ض أي ع ج ا ر Deleting personal data
Persoonlijke gegevens verwijderen
Eliminazione dei dati personali
Persönliche Daten löschen
Suppression des données personnelles
Eliminación de los datos personales
Удаление личных данных
ة شخصي ال بيانات ال ف حذ 8
Weighing only
Solo pesatura
Nur wiegen
Pesée uniquement
Alleen wegen
Sólo peso
Только взвешивание
ط فق ن وز ال > 3 SEC. / > 3 SEC. / > 3 SEK. / > 3 S /
> 3 SEC. / > 3 SEG. / > 3 СЕК. /
ان ثو 3 > 9
ف نظي الت *Wipe the unit with a soft dry cloth. Do not wipe the unit with benzene or paint thinner.
*Pulire l’unità con un panno soffice asciutto. Non pulire l’unità con benzene o solvente per vernici.
*Wischen Sie das Gerät mit einem weichen trockenen Tuch ab. Wischen Sie das Gerät nicht mit Benzol oder Farbverdünner ab.
*Essuyez l’unité à l’aide d’un chiffon doux et sec. N’essuyez pas l’unité avec un produit à base de benzène ou de diluant.
*Neem het apparaat af met een droge, zachte doek. Neem het apparaat niet af met benzeen of verfverdunner.
*Limpie la unidad con un paño seco suave. No limpie la unidad con benceno o disolvente para pintura.
*Протирайте прибор мягкой сухой тканью. Не протирайте прибор бензолом или растворителем для краски.
ن ا ه د ال ق ق مر أو ن بنزي ال ام خد ست با جهاز ال سح م ت ﻻ .مة ع نا جافة ش ما ق بقطعة جهاز ال سح م ا * 10
Batteries replacement
Sostituzione delle batterie
Batterien austauschen
Remplacement des piles
Batterijen vervangen
Sustitución de las pilas
Замена элементов питания
ت بطاريا ال ل ا بد است !
Principle of body composition calculation
Prinzip der Berechnung der Körperzusammensetzung
Body fat has low electric conductivity
Körperfett hat eine geringe elektrische Leitfähigkeit
The BF214 measures the body fat percentage by the Bioelectrical Impedance (BI) method. Muscles, blood
vessels and bones are body tissues with a high water content that conducts electricity easily. Body fat is
tissue that has little electric conductivity. The BF214 sends an extremely weak electrical current of 50 kHz
and less than 500 μA through your body to determine the amount of fat tissue. This weak electrical current
is not felt while operating the BF214.
Das BF214 ermittelt den Körperfettanteil mithilfe der bioelektrischen Impedanzanalyse (BIA). Muskeln,
Blutgefäße und Knochen sind Körpergewebe mit einem hohen Wassergehalt, die Strom gut leiten. Körperfett
ist ein Gewebe mit einer geringen elektrischen Leitfähigkeit. Das BF214 sendet einen sehr schwachen
elektrischen Strom von 50 kHz und weniger als 500 µA durch Ihren Körper, um den Anteil des Fettgewebes
zu bestimmen. Diesen schwachen elektrischen Strom beim Betrieb des BF214 nehmen Sie nicht wahr.
Die Waage bestimmt die Körperzusammensetzung über den elektrischen Widerstand, zusammen mit
Größe, Gewicht, Alter und Geschlecht. Die Ergebnisse werden basierend auf den Daten von OMRON zur
Körperzusammensetzung ermittelt.
In order for the scale to determine body composition, it uses the electrical impedance, along with your
height, weight, age and gender information to generate results based on OMRON´s data of body
Recommended measurement times
Empfohlene Messzeiten
During the course of a day, the amount of water in the body tends to gradually shift to the lower limbs.
This is why there is a tendency for the legs and ankles to swell in the evening or at night. The ratio of
water in the upper body and lower body is different in the morning and evening, and this means that the
electrical impedance of the body also varies. Being aware of the times when the body fat percentages
shift within your own daily schedule will assist you in obtaining an accurate trending of your body fat. It is
recommended to use this unit in the same environment and daily circumstances. We recommend to do the
measurement always in the morning after getting up with an empty bladder.
Im Laufe des Tages sammelt sich das Wasser im Körper langsam in den unteren Extremitäten. Darum
tendieren die Beine und Knöchel dazu, gegen Abend oder in der Nacht anzuschwellen. Das Verhältnis von
Wasser im oberen und unteren Körper unterscheidet sich morgens und abends. Dies bedeutet, dass sich auch
der elektrische Widerstand (Impedanz) des Körpers unterscheidet. Die Trends Ihres Körperfetts schätzen
Sie richtig ab, wenn Sie wissen, zu welchen Zeiten sich der Körperfettanteil in Ihrem Tagesrhythmus ändert.
Es empfiehlt sich, dieses Gerät immer in derselben Umgebung und unter denselben Alltagsbedingungen zu
verwenden. Wir empfehlen, die Messung morgens nach dem Aufstehen mit leerer Blase vorzunehmen.
Nehmen Sie unter den folgenden Bedingungen keine Messungen vor:
Avoid taking measurements under the following conditions:
- Immediately after vigorous exercise, after a bath or sauna.
- After drinking alcohol or a large amount of water, after a meal (about 2 hours)
If a measurement is taken under these physical conditions, the calculated body composition may differ
significantly from the actual one because the water content in the body is changing.
- Unmittelbar nach starker körperlicher Betätigung, nach dem Baden oder einem Saunagang.
- Nach dem Genuss von Alkohol oder dem Trinken einer großen Menge an Wasser, nach einer Mahlzeit
(ca. 2 Stunden)
Wenn unter den nachfolgend genannten physikalischen Bedingungen eine Messung durchgeführt wird,
kann die ermittelte Körperzusammensetzung erheblich vom tatsächlichen Wert abweichen, weil der
Wassergehalt im Körper verändert ist..
What is BMI (Body Mass Index)?
BMI uses the following simple formula to indicate the ratio between weight and height of a person.
BMI = weight (kg) / height (m) / height (m) or BMI = weight (lb) / height (inches) / height (inches) × 703
The OMRON BF214 uses the height information stored in your personal profile number or when information
in the Guest Mode to calculate your BMI classification.
Was bedeutet BMI (Body Mass Index)?
Der BMI gibt mithilfe der folgenden einfachen Formel das Verhältnis zwischen Gewicht und Körpergröße
eines Menschen an.
BMI = Gewicht (kg) / Größe (m) / Größe (m) oder BMI = Gewicht (lb) / Größe (inch) / Größe (inch) × 703
Das OMRON BF214 berechnet Ihre BMI-Klassifikation unter Verwendung Ihrer in der persönlichen
Profilnummer gespeicherten oder in der Betriebsart GUEST eingegebenen Körpergröße.
What is Body Fat Percentage?
Body fat percentage refers to the amount of body fat mass in regards to the total body weight expressed
as a percentage.
Body fat percentage (%) = {Body fat mass (kg) / Body weight (kg)} × 100
Was ist der Körperfettanteil?
Unter Körperfettanteil versteht man den in Prozent ausgedrückten Anteil der Fettmasse des Körpers am
What is Skeletal Muscle?
Skeletal muscle can be increased through exercise and other activity.
Increasing the ratio of skeletal muscle means that body can burn energy more easily, which means that it is
less likely to turn to fat, and makes it easier to lead an energetic lifestyle.
Körperfettanteil (%) = {Körperfettmasse (kg) / Körpergewicht (kg)} × 100
Was ist ein Skelettmuskel?
Skelettmuskeln können durch Training und andere Aktivitäten wachsen.
Durch die Erhöhung des Skelettmuskelanteils verbraucht der Körper Energie, die dann nicht in Fett
umgewandelt wird. Dadurch wird es leichter, ein aktives Leben zu führen.
The reason calculated results may differ from actual body composition.
The body composition measured by this unit may significantly differ from the actual body composition in the
following situations:
Elderly people (over 81 years old) / People with a fever / Body builders or highly trained athletes / Patients
undergoing dialysis / Patients with osteoporosis who have very low bone density / Pregnant women /
People with swelling
Gründe, weshalb die berechneten Ergebnisse gegenüber der tatsächlichen
Körperzusammensetzung abweichen können.
Die mit diesem Gerät gemessene Körperzusammensetzung kann in den folgenden Situationen sehr von
der tatsächlichen Körperzusammensetzung abweichen:
These differences may be related to changing ratios of body fluid and/or body composition.
Ältere Menschen (über 81 jahre) / Menschen mit Fieber / Bodybuilder oder durchtrainierte Sportler /
Patienten, die ein Dialyse erhalten / Patienten mit Osteoporose mit sehr geringer Knochendichte /
schwangere Frauen / Menschen mit Schwellungen
Diese Abweichungen können durch wechselnde Anteile der Körperflüssigkeit und/oder
Körperzusammensetzung bedingt sein.
Principi di calcolo della composizione corporea
Bassa conducibilità elettrica del grasso corporeo
L’unità BF214 misura la percentuale di grasso corporeo mediante il metodo dell’impedenza bioelettrica (BI).
Muscoli, vasi sanguigni e ossa sono tessuti organici che presentano un elevato contenuto di acqua, un
buon conduttore di elettricità. Al contrario, il grasso corporeo (tessuto adiposo) ha una scarsa conducibilità
elettrica. L’unità BF214 invia attraverso il corpo una corrente elettrica estremamente debole (meno di
500 µA alla frequenza di 50 kHz) per calcolare la quantità di tessuto adiposo. Questa debole corrente
elettrica non viene avvertita durante il funzionamento dell’unità BF214.
Il misuratore della composizione corporea utilizza l’impedenza elettrica, unita alle informazioni relative ad
altezza, peso, età e sesso, per ottenere un risultato basato sul modello di composizione corporea elaborato
Principe du calcul de la composition corporelle
La graisse corporelle a une faible conductivité électrique
L’unité BF214 détermine le pourcentage de graisse corporelle par la méthode de mesure de l’impédance
bioélectrique (IB). Les muscles, les vaisseaux sanguins et les os sont des tissus corporels à forte teneur
en eau, conduisant facilement l’électricité. La graisse corporelle est un tissu dont la conductivité électrique
est faible. L’unité BF214 envoie un courant électrique extrêmement faible de 50 kHz et de moins de 500 µA
dans votre corps afin de déterminer la quantité de tissu graisseux. Vous ne ressentirez pas ce faible
courant électrique lorsque vous utiliserez l’unité BF214.
Orari consigliati per effettuare la misurazione
Pour déterminer la composition corporelle, la balance utilise l’impédance électrique ainsi que vos
informations de taille, poids, âge et sexe pour générer des résultats basés sur les données OMRON
relatives à la composition corporelle.
Nell’arco della giornata, l’acqua presente nel corpo tende a spostarsi gradualmente verso gli arti inferiori.
Per questo motivo, le gambe e le caviglie tendono a gonfiarsi di sera e di notte. La percentuale di acqua
presente nella parte superiore e inferiore del corpo è diversa tra mattina e sera; ciò significa che anche
l’impedenza elettrica del corpo tende a variare. Conoscere in quali orari si verificano le variazioni della
percentuale di grasso corporeo in base alle attività quotidiane è utile nel valutare correttamente l’evoluzione
del proprio grasso corporeo nel corso del tempo. Si consiglia di usare l’unità, per quanto possibile, nello
stesso ambiente e nelle stesse situazioni quotidiane. È consigliabile eseguire la misurazione sempre al
mattino dopo il risveglio e dopo aver vuotato la vescica.
Périodes de mesure recommandées
Au cours de la journée, la quantité d’eau dans le corps tend à se déplacer progressivement vers les
membres inférieurs. C’est pourquoi les jambes et les chevilles ont tendance à enfler le soir ou la nuit. La
proportion d’eau dans les parties supérieure et inférieure du corps est différente le matin et le soir, ce qui
signifie que l’impédance électrique du corps varie également. Connaître les périodes où les pourcentages
de graisse corporelle évoluent dans votre activité quotidienne vous permettra de suivre avec précision
l’évolution de votre graisse corporelle. Il est recommandé d’utiliser cette unité dans le même environnement
et dans les mêmes conditions quotidiennes. Nous vous recommandons d’effectuer systématiquement la
mesure le matin avec la vessie vide.
Evitare l’esecuzione di misurazioni nei casi elencati di seguito:
- Immediatamente dopo un’attività fisica intensa, dopo il bagno o la sauna.
- Dopo aver assunto alcol o bevuto molta acqua, dopo i pasti (circa 2 ore).
Le misurazioni effettuate in queste condizioni fisiche possono dare luogo a un calcolo della composizione
corporea che si discosta molto da quella reale, a causa delle variazioni nel contenuto di acqua
Évitez de réaliser des mesures dans les conditions suivantes :
- immédiatement après un exercice intense, un bain ou une séance de sauna,
- après l’absorption d’alcool ou d’une grande quantité d’eau, ou après un repas (environ 2 heures).
Si une mesure est réalisée dans ces conditions physiques, la composition corporelle calculée peut différer
considérablement de la composition corporelle réelle en raison de la modification de la teneur en eau dans
le corps.
Che cos’è il BMI (Body Mass Index - Indice di massa corporea)?
Il BMI viene calcolato mediante una semplice formula e indica il rapporto tra il peso e l’altezza di una
BMI = peso (kg) / altezza (m) / altezza (m)
BMI = peso (lb) / altezza (pollici) / altezza (pollici) × 703
Per calcolare la classificazione del BMI dell’utilizzatore, l’unità OMRON BF214 impiega i dati relativi
all’altezza memorizzati nel numero di profilo personale dell’utente o immessi in modalità Ospite.
Qu’est-ce que l’IMC (indice de masse corporelle) ?
L’IMC utilise la formule simple suivante pour indiquer le rapport entre le poids et la taille d’une personne.
IMC = poids (kg) / taille (m) / taille (m) ou IMC = poids (lb) / taille (po.) / taille (po.) × 703
L’unité OMRON BF214 utilise les informations relatives à la taille qui sont stockées dans votre numéro de
profil personnel ou lors de la saisie d’informations en mode Invité afin de calculer votre classification IMC.
Che cos’è la percentuale di grasso corporeo?
La percentuale di grasso corporeo si riferisce alla quantità di massa corporea grassa, espressa in
percentuale rispetto al peso corporeo totale.
Percentuale di grasso corporeo (%) = {Massa grassa corporea (kg) / Peso corporeo (kg)} × 100
Qu’est-ce que le pourcentage de graisse corporelle ?
Le pourcentage de graisse corporelle est la quantité de masse graisseuse corporelle rapportée au poids
corporel total, exprimée sous forme de pourcentage.
Che cosa sono i muscoli scheletrici?
I muscoli scheletrici possono essere incrementati attraverso l’attività fisica o di altro tipo.
La presenza di una maggiore quantità di muscoli scheletrici consente al corpo di bruciare energia più
facilmente; ciò riduce i rischi di obesità e consente di condurre una vita più dinamica.
Pourcentage de graisse corporelle (%) = {masse graisseuse corporelle (kg) / poids corporel (kg)} × 100
Qu’est-ce que le muscle squelettique ?
Il est possible d’augmenter le muscle squelettique par l’exercice et d’autres activités.
L’augmentation du taux de muscle squelettique signifie que le corps peut brûler de l’énergie plus facilement,
diminuant ainsi la probabilité qu’elle se transforme en graisse et facilitant par là même un mode de vie
Motivi per cui i risultati della misurazione possono differire dalla composizione corporea effettiva.
La composizione corporea misurata dall’unità può risultare sensibilmente diversa rispetto alla composizione
corporea reale nei casi elencati di seguito:
Persone anziane (di età superiore a 81 anni) / Persone febbricitanti / Body builder o atleti sottoposti a
intensi allenamenti / Pazienti sottoposti a dialisi / Pazienti affetti da osteoporosi, che presentano una densità
ossea estremamente ridotta / Donne incinte / Persone che presentano gonfiori
Queste differenze potrebbero essere legate alle variazioni nel rapporto tra i fluidi corporei e/o nella
composizione corporea.
Raison pour laquelle les résultats calculés peuvent différer de la composition corporelle réelle.
La composition corporelle mesurée par cette unité peut différer considérablement de la composition
corporelle réelle dans les cas suivants :
Personnes âgées (plus de 81 ans) / Personnes fiévreuses / Culturistes ou athlètes de haut niveau / Patients
sous dialyse / Patients souffrant d’ostéoporose dont la densité osseuse est très basse / Femmes enceintes /
Personnes souffrant de gonflements
Ces différences peuvent être liées à des changements des rapports entre le liquide corporel et/ou la
composition corporelle.
Notes of safety
Do not use batteries not specified for this unit. Do not insert the batteries with the polarities in
the wrong direction.
Please read this instruction manual carefully before use and for further information on the
individual functions.
Replace worn batteries with new ones immediately.
Remove the batteries from this unit when you are not going to use it for a long period of time
(approximately three months or more).
Never use this unit in combination with the following medical electronic devices.
Do not use batteries of a different kind together.
(1) Medical electronic implants such as pacemakers.
Do not use new and worn batteries together.
(2) Electronic life support systems such as an artificial heart/lung.
(3) Portable electronic medical devices such as electrocardiograph.
Keep this unit out of the reach of young children.
This unit may cause the above-mentioned medical electronic devices to malfunction, posing a
considerable health risk to users of these devices.
General Advice:
Do not place this unit on cushioned floor surface such as on a carpet or a mat. Correct
measurement may not be possible.
Do not step on the operation buttons. Doing so may cause malfunction.
Do not place this unit in highly humid environment, where water may splash, under direct
sunshine, in a place where the air conditioner blows directly, or near fire.
Do not use this unit for purposes other than measuring body weight and body fat percentage.
Disposal of this product and used batteries should be carried out in accordance with the
national regulations for the disposal of electronic products.
Always keep the unit clean before use.
Never start weight reduction or exercise therapy solely based on your own judgement. Be sure
to follow the instructions of a doctor or specialist.
Do not use the unit on tiles or other surfaces that may be slippery, such as a wet floor.
Do not subject the unit to strong shocks, such as vibrating or dropping the unit on the floor.
Do not jump or bounce on the unit.
Do not use this unit after taking a bath, or when your body, hands, or feet are wet.
Do not step on the edge of the unit.
Do not let a physically handicapped person use this unit without any accompanied assistance.
Use a handrail or so when stepping on the unit.
Clean the scale before using the unit with people who have a skin or foot disease.
Do not wash the unit with water.
Do not wipe the unit with benzene or paint thinner.
When cleaning the unit, take care not to touch the buttons and change or delete the personal data.
If storing the unit in a vertical position, always secure it so that it will not fall over.
Do not store the unit in the following conditions:
This unit is intended for home use only. It is not intended for professional use in hospitals or
other medical facilities.
- Where water may get in.
This unit does not support the standards required for professional use.
Stand on the unit bare-footed.
Do not use a cellular phone near the unit.
Do not disassemble, repair, or remodel the unit.
- Extreme high temperature and humidity, direct sunshine, and dusty places.
- Where there will be sudden shock or vibration.
- In storage places of chemicals or where corrosive gas is present.
Do not place objects on the unit or store it upside-down.
Error Display
Possible cause
You step off the unit during the measurement.
Your feet are not correctly positioned on the electrodes.
Do not step off the unit till the measurement is completed.
Make sure that you are standing on the unit correctly and try again.
Remain still and do not move during measurement.
The measurement position is not stable or your feet are not
placed correctly.
Feet are too dry.
Slightly moisten the soles of your feet with a damp towel and try again.
The unit is not set up correctly.
Remove the batteries. Wait one minute. Reinstall the batteries. Touch the ON-OFF-SET button and turn on the
power. Retake the measurement.
You step onto the unit before 0.0 kg (0.0 lb) is displayed.
The unit moved before 0.0 kg (0.0 lb) is displayed.
Movement during measurement.
Wait until 0.0 kg (0.0 lb) is displayed before stepping onto the unit.
Do not move the unit until 0.0 kg (0.0 lb) is displayed
Do not move till measurement is completed.
Your weight is over 150.0 kg (330.0 lb or 23 st 8.0 lb).
This unit can only be used by people weighing less than 150.0 kg (330.0 lb or 23 st 8.0 lb).
Technical Data
Product description
Product name
Body Composition Monitor
Body Weight: 2 to 150 kg with an increment of 0.1 kg / 4.4 to 330.0 lb with an increment of 0.2 lb / 4.4 lb to 23 st 8.0 lb with an increment of 0.2 lb
Body Fat percentage: 5.0 to 60.0% with an increment of 0.1%
Skeletal Muscle percentage: 5.0 to 50.0% with an increment of 0.1%
BMI: 7.0 to 90.0 with an increment of 0.1
BMI classification: - (Underweight) / 0 (Normal) / + (Overweight) / ++ (Obese)
• The age range for the BMI, BMI classification and Body Fat percentage is 10 to 80 years.
• The age range for the Skeletal Muscle percentage is 18 to 80 years.
Last (previous) measurement results
Set Items Personal data information:
The following information for up to 4 people can be stored.
Height: 100.0 to 199.5 cm , 3'4" to 6'6 3/4" (increment of 1/4")
Age: 10 to 80 years old
Gender: Male/Female
Weight Accuracy
2.0 kg to 40.0 kg: ± 0.4 kg, 40.0 kg to 150.0 kg: ± 1% / 4.4 lb to 88.2 lb: ± 0.88 lb, 88.2 lb to 330.0 lb: ± 1% / 4.4 lb to 6 st 4.2 lb: ± 0.88 lb, 6 st 4.2 lb to 23 st 8.0 lb: ± 1%
Body Fat percentage: 3.5%, Skeletal Muscle percentage: 3.5%
4 AAA batteries (R03) (You may also use AAA alkaline batteries (LR03).)
Approximately one year (When AAA manganese batteries are used with four measurements a day at a room temperature of 23°C.)
+10°C to +40°C, 30 to 85 % RH
Accuracy (S.E.E.)
Power Supply
Battery Life
Operating Temperature/Humidity
Storage Temperature/Humidity/Air Pressure
-20°C to +60°C, 10% to 95% RH, 700 hPa - 1060 hPa
Approximately 1.6 kg (including batteries)
External Dimensions
Package Contents
Approximately 285 (W) × 28 (H) × 280 (D) mm
Body composition monitor, 4 AAA manganese batteries (R03), instruction manual
Note: Subject to technical modification without prior notice.
This device fulfills the provisions of the EC directive 93/42/EEC (Medical Device Directive).
Type BF
OMRON HEALTHCARE EUROPE B.V. guarantees this product for 3 years after date of purchase.
The guarantee does not cover battery, packaging and/or damages of any kind due to misusage (such as dropping or physical misuse) caused by the user. Claimed products will only be replaced when returned together with
the original invoice / cash ticket.
Important information regarding Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC)
Verify correct operation of the device in case the distance is shorter.
With the increased number of electronic devices such as PC’s and mobile (cellular) telephones,
medical devices in use may be susceptible to electromagnetic interference from other devices.
Electromagnetic interference may result in incorrect operation of the medical device and create a
potentially unsafe situation.
Further documentation in accordance with EN60601-1-2:2007 is avail-able at OMRON
HEALTHCARE EUROPE at the address mentioned in this instruction manual.Documentation is
Correct Disposal of This Product(Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment)
Medical devices should also not interfere with other devices.
This marking shown on the product or its literature, indicates that it should not be
disposed of, with other household wastes at the end of its working life. To prevent
possible harm to the environment or human health from uncontrolled waste disposal,
please separate this product from other types of wastes and recycle it responsibly to
promote the sustainable reuse of material resources.
In order to regulate the requirements for EMC (Electro Magnetic Compatibility) with the aim to
prevent unsafe product situations, the EN60601-1-2:2007 standard has been implemented. This
standard defines the levels of immunity to electromagnetic interferences as well as maximum
levels of electromagnetic emissions for medical devices.
This medical device manufactured by OMRON HEALTHCARE conforms to this EN60601-1-2:2007
standard for both immunity and emissions.Nevertheless, special precautions need to be observed:
● Do not use mobile (cellular) telephones and other devices, which generate strong electrical or
electromagnetic fields, near the medical device. This may result in incorrect operation of the unit
and create a potentially unsafe situation. Recommendation is to keep a minimum distance of 7 m.
Household users should contact either the retailer where they purchased this product, or their
local government office, for details of where and how they can return this item for environmentally
safe recycling.
Business users should contact their supplier and check the terms and conditions of the purchase
contract. This product should not be mixed with other commercial wastes for disposal.
Addresses / Indirizzi / Adressen / Adresses / Adressen /
Direcciones / Контактная информация /
ن وي ا العن OMRON HEALTHCARE Co., Ltd.
53, Kunotsubo, Terado-cho, Muko, Kyoto,
617-0002 jAPAN
ة ع ن ل ةال ك ش لص OMRON HEALTHCARE EUROPE B.V.
Scorpius 33, 2132 LR Hoofddorp, THE NETHERLANDS
Rappresentante per l’UE
Mandataire dans l’UE
Vertegenwoordiging in de EU
Representante en la UE
Представитель в ЕС
ا وروب ل ال د ا ح ل د ب ا ل ي ةالصمث ة ه Subsidiary
Opal Drive, Fox Milne, Milton Keynes, MK 15 0DG, U.K.
Empresa filial
john-Deere-Str. 81a, 68163 Mannheim, GERMANY
ة بع دتالصمد ك ش لص OMRON SANTÉ FRANCE SAS 14, rue de Lisbonne, 93561 Rosny-sous-Bois Cedex, FRANCE
Uniquement pour le marché française:
OMRON Service Après Vente
No Vert 0 800 91 43 14
Made in China
Prodotto in Cina
Hergestellt in China
Fabriqué en Chine
Geproduceerd in China
Fabricado en China
Сделано в Китае
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